Travel back in time with renowned gallerist, craft historian, writer, and lecturer Helen Drutt, to shop a trove of jewelry from the storied “back room” of her eponymous Philadelphia gallery.
The “back room” was where artists, architects, poets, students, friends, and collectors would meet, often after hours, to converse about art, culture, and the world, well into the night. American Craft Magazine (August/September 1979) stated [The Helen Drutt Gallery] “is to the crafts what Alfred Steiglitz’s 291 Gallery was to photography earlier in this century.”
In addition to the opportunity to snag a rare early brooch by Robert Baines, or a 1980s kaleidoscopic bracelet by Judy Onofrio, along with other “hidden treasures”, come explore books and exhibition catalogues from the gallery days and read through examples of Helen’s ongoing correspondence with artists.
Join the conversation and stop by for a mimosa at our opening reception Monday, November 14th at 11:00am, followed by a very special book-signing of Helen’s latest exhibition RINGS! hosted by the Memphis-based Metal Museum. A number of RINGS! artists will also be “on hand” to sign their individual pages. RINGS! originated at Philadelphia’s Moore College of Art before traveling to the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft and the Metal Museum. RSVP here!